1·Pharmaceutical Drug Room different characteristics to the needs of the market, research and development for pharmaceutical production, storage, transport, Sales and use of the preparation method.
2·When a pharmaceutical company has a new drug, it applies to Health Canada for a licence to sell it.
3·The latter are of particular interest to pharmaceutical researchers, since drug toxicity often shows up in the liver.
4·For example, a large pharmaceutical company may outsource the management and administration of drug trials.
5·Why would a pharmaceutical company not encourage people to buy its drug?
6·These include preventing doctors from receiving kick-backs from the recommendation and sale of pharmaceutical products by centralizing drug procurement at hospitals.
7·Pharmaceutical representatives also note that the industry already has a voluntary code of conduct and that the Food and Drug Administration regulates its marketing practices.
8·The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, several pharmaceutical companies, and several nonprofit organizations.
9·Support for these diseases has increased exponentially, measured most especially in massive drug donations from both traditional and newly supportive pharmaceutical companies.
10·Others are teaming up with big energyfirms, in much the same way that biotech companies with a promising drug areoften taken under the wing of a large pharmaceutical company.